(Very cool car)
BRIEF: Allianz wants to insure young drivers on their parents’ cars. We need to show parents and young drivers that the Allianz Safe Driver App is the best option for both of them.
INSIGHT: Driving provides a new kind of liberation for young adults; it’s something they’ve fantasised about since they were kids. Getting behind the wheel is a right of passage and an app is a pretty small price to pay for this kind of freedom.
Parents have spent countless hours driving their children around, day and night without ever getting the favour returned… until now. And with the Safe Driver App they finally won’t need to worry about their child’s safety either.
IDEA: A TV ad that follows Ciaran (son) and Grainne (mother) as they experience switching the roles of driver and passenger.
CIARAN is in his first year of college and he’s loving the new sense of freedom. As far as he’s concerned, the world is his oyster. He’s still living at home and enjoys the benefits of this — food in the fridge and a clean home. He’s a bit of a ‘lad’ but as he’s getting into the swing of college, he’s eager to try new things, broaden his mind, even get a bit cultured.
GRAINNE (54) is Ciaran’s Mum. She drives a 2008 Nissan Micra. She’s looking forward to seeing Ciaran develop independence during this new chapter of his life and is also keen to benefit from his new driving abilities while keeping him safe.

Ciaran and the lads are hanging out in his mum’s house.
Ciaran: Was I telling ya? I just got that new safe driver app thing.
Ciaran’s mate: What’s that now?
Ciaran: Just this app for young drivers. Tracks how well you drive, not that I’ve any problems in that department, and whatever, I’ve got wheels lads.
Ciaran begins to fantasise aloud about the new liberation he’s about to exprience. As he does his fantasies materialise slightly unrealistically as he dramatically describes them. Epic inspirational music is playing as he drives his mum’s lilac 2008 Nissan Micra..
Ciaran: Just think about it lads, the open road, nothing but possibility ahead...

Ciaran drives through spectacular Irish landscapes in the Micra packed with friends. Party vibes.
Ciaran: Seriously, imagine the road trips we’ll have…
Silhouette of Ciaran and a girl looking out over romantic city lights. Ciaran pulls a big fake yawn, stretching his arm around the girl.
Ciaran: The, heh, romance…

Ciaran leaning on the bonnet of Micra bare-foot on the grass, brow furrowed, looking thoughtfully out to sea at sunset
Ciaran: And just, like, finding myself, y’know?

Ciaran’s visions evoparate and we’re back in the living room. They’re all staring off into the distance lost in their imaginations and emit a sign in unison.

The door suddenly swings open and they immediately snap back to reality. Grainne pops her head in wearing a shower cap and dressing gown while holding a cup of tea…
Grainne: You’ll be ready to give me a lift to bookclub at 8, pet, won’t ya?

Ciaran’s in the driver seat of the Micra. He’s lookin’ slick, hair blowing in the air-con, open shirt billowing, thinking he’s the business. The epic music plays again.
We pan across to see Grainne applying her lipstick in the passenger seat vanity mirror.
Grainne: Do you see that red light up there, Pet?
We look into the back seat to see one of Ciaran’s mates wedged between two 50-something-year-old friends of Grainne — they're also delighted to be getting chauffeured around..

We zoom out and see the whole lot of them in the car.
We see Grainne’s Micra driving off into the sunset mimicing the original fantasy, but with the three heads of the back-seat passengers visible. Maybe not exactly as Ciaran had fantasised, but he doesn’t even seem to notice.

Scene fades out as they drive into the epic sunset…
VO: Big dreams take big courage.
Sign up to the Safe Driver App and receive 15% off straight away and up to30% for safe driving. Call or go online for a quote. Alliance. We Cover Courage.